La Biblioteca Musical Víctor Espinós inicia este año su colaboración con el Teatro Real organizando un taller de música y danza para niños entre 6 y 10 años llamado Nos movemos con los clásicos. En él los pequeños descubrirán algunas obras de Vivaldi, y podrán hacer su propia interpretación del ritmo de las melodías y danzas barrocas del compositor. La cita es en la Sala polivalente de la biblioteca el 27 de octubre a las 18.30 h.
La actividad es gratuita hasta completar aforo, previa inscripción en este enlace

El Real Junior
Vivo Vivaldi
21 Oct, 23 - 29 Oct, 23
Contemporary Dance

Vivo Vivaldi is a scenic journey where we meet nine characters who travel from darkness to light, from the fantastical to the terrestrial world. Vivo Vivaldi is redefining the artificial in nature. Vivo Vivaldi is to navigate, play with the monster in the cupboard, discover a first love, be a flock of starlings… Vivo Vivaldi is a summer storm in a theatre box of the Venice opera, it is a made- up dance between stowaways and graffiti artists. In Vivo Vivaldi one feels, one lives, one dances. One shares and navigates among fabrics, bodies, light, musical notes, and emotions. Vivo Vivaldi is to play. And to dream.
Music by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Contemporary dance
A coproduction of the Teatro Español and 10&10 Crea S.L., with the collaboration of the Centro Coreográfico Canal
Dramaturgy, Scenic Space Design, Costumes and Direction: 10&10 Crea (Narváez, Runde, Sanz)
With: Alberto Almazán, Mónica Runde, Paula Castellano, Elisa Sanz, Beatríz Francos, José Luis Sendarrubias, Luis Carlos Cuevas, Gonzalo Simón, Inés Narváez, Irene Vázquez
Music Selection and Video Scene Design: Mónica Runde
Lighting Design: Bea FD
Costume maker: ES
School performances
19, 20, 26, 27 October 2023, 10:00 am and 12:00 noon
Performances for Families
21, 22, 28, 29 October 2023, 11:00 am and 1:00 pm
Recommended as of age 6
- Date/hour
- Space
- Cast
- Subscription ticket
Cultural activities
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